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5 Core Guidelines for Employee Mental Health During Lockdown
5 Core Guidelines for Employee Mental Health During Lockdown

Hotspots and Legislation

A brief summary of mental health guidance for employers and managers during lockdown. This post contains 5 key points managers can work on with employees.

Do you know your responsibilities when working from home
Do you know your responsibilities when working from home

Hotspots and Legislation

A brief overview of employer and employee responsibilities while a home working system is incorporated.

5 Advantages & Disadvantages of Working from Home
5 Advantages & Disadvantages of Working from Home

Hotspots and Legislation

A brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and how this impacts a Compliance Manager or SHEQ manager

Plastics, a key environmental aspect to manage in ISO 14001
Plastics, a key environmental aspect to manage in ISO 14001

Hotspots and Legislation

Plastic products are a key environmental aspect to manage in ISO 14001

How to succeed at remote audits
How to succeed at remote audits

Hotspots and Legislation

This video shares our experience of remote audits and remote auditing in the first few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are publishing this to give some useful insights to organisations for planning a remote audit

Climate change and Net Zero
Climate change and Net Zero

Hotspots and Legislation

The challenge of Climate change is driving organisations to review their activities and set targets for net zero carbon emissions.

Conflict Minerals
Conflict Minerals

Hotspots and Legislation

Conflict minerals originate from war zones with no respect for human rights. You must source materials responsibly to help break the link between conflict and the illegal exploitation of minerals and local communities.

'Forced Labour' and your ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 system
'Forced Labour' and your ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 system

Hotspots and Legislation

ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 systems have to consider the working environment. Forced Labour may be a issue in the organisation or its supply chain. 

Why ISO system managers should take notice of the Living Wage
Why ISO system managers should take notice of the Living Wage

Hotspots and Legislation

Organisations with ISO systems have to consider needs of workers and the Living Wage will be critical

Opportunities of working with Millennials
Opportunities of working with Millennials

Hotspots and Legislation

ISO management systems need to be flexible and take into account the recruitment of younger people in the workplace.

Three reasons to invest in your people
Three reasons to invest in your people

Hotspots and Legislation

ISO management systems help you meet the challenges of employee development and training. This article gives you 3 reasons to invest in people.

Why training is more valuable than you think
Why training is more valuable than you think

Hotspots and Legislation

ISO management requires that competencies of workers are improved through identification of training needs and investing in training.


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